Connecting Executives with Consultants, Speakers, Coaches and Event Professionals
Name:Rita Milios
Company:Inner Peace
Address:Glendora Road
Country:United States of America
Phone No:863-496-7223
Cell No:4193607150
Contact Via Email or Website
 Fee Schedule 
What Kind of WELLLNESS Workshops do you Provide?
My Wellness Works programs for corporations or groups  are described below.......

 Wellness Works



Vision Statement:  We will help anchor the new world paradigm of a holistic worldview, where personal empowerment, community service and business success are mutually attainable goals.


Mission Statement:  Our mission is to empower, encourage and enlighten individuals and groups by offering traditional and holistic education and training in wellness, self-transformation and community service.



Wellness Works Services



  Training                              Program Development


  Consulting                            Educational Materials


   Coaching                             Focus Groups/Surveys




Arenas of Service



   Wellness: physical, emotional, intellectual, occupational,

     social, spiritual

   Personal Development                                                        

   Professional Development




Client Outcomes


   Decreased absenteeism                        Increased employee 



   Improved morale                                Improved productivity




The Wellness Works Difference



   The Wellness Works program focuses on people, not processes. It assumes that people who are positive, healthy, happy, motivated and who find meaning and significance in their lives and their work automatically work at higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness.


 Wellness Works  addresses issues important to employees, helping them lead better, fuller, healthier lives. It provides them with access to credible, personalized wellness education, professional and personal coaching, and ongoing individual and group support. It offers the missing link that gives employees the motivation, confidence and sense of shared purpose that moves them toward optimal performance.


The Wellness Works program is unique in several ways. It:


   sees the individual as a whole person who is also part

of a system


  recognizes and addresses all six areas of wellness


   provides education in both traditional and holistic



   provides access to holistic health service referrals &



   provides group and individual training/coaching for

     personal  empowerment and career development


  provides life skills education through a unique “mind-

     tools” training focus


   encourages responsibility, cooperation and

    emotional/spiritual maturity


   provides a “blueprint” for increased inner awareness

    and personal development that leads to success in all

    areas of outer life


   is recognized as valuable and life-enhancing and is

     therefore embraced and incorporated into the daily

     lives of participants




Examples of Wellness Works Interventions


Assessment     wellness evaluations, surveys, quizzes



   Group Education/Training    potential topics include: emotional literacy, stress reduction and relaxation techniques, habit control (smoking, weight loss), herbal and holistic options to wellness, mind/body wellness processes, personal awareness & development



   Individual Coaching/Mentoring    opportunities for one on one conferences with counselor, nurse or coach for mentoring, problem-solving, support and follow-up



   Tailored Information Gathering and Dissemination    individualized holistic wellness “information packets” and service referrals

What Kind of WELLLNESS Workshops do you Provide?
My Wellness Works programs for corporations or groups  are described below.......

 Wellness Works



Vision Statement:  We will help anchor the new world paradigm of a holistic worldview, where personal empowerment, community service and business success are mutually attainable goals.


Mission Statement:  Our mission is to empower, encourage and enlighten individuals and groups by offering traditional and holistic education and training in wellness, self-transformation and community service.



Wellness Works Services



  Training                              Program Development


  Consulting                            Educational Materials


   Coaching                             Focus Groups/Surveys




Arenas of Service



   Wellness: physical, emotional, intellectual, occupational,

     social, spiritual

   Personal Development                                                        

   Professional Development




Client Outcomes


   Decreased absenteeism                        Increased employee 



   Improved morale                                Improved productivity




The Wellness Works Difference



   The Wellness Works program focuses on people, not processes. It assumes that people who are positive, healthy, happy, motivated and who find meaning and significance in their lives and their work automatically work at higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness.


 Wellness Works  addresses issues important to employees, helping them lead better, fuller, healthier lives. It provides them with access to credible, personalized wellness education, professional and personal coaching, and ongoing individual and group support. It offers the missing link that gives employees the motivation, confidence and sense of shared purpose that moves them toward optimal performance.


The Wellness Works program is unique in several ways. It:


   sees the individual as a whole person who is also part

of a system


  recognizes and addresses all six areas of wellness


   provides education in both traditional and holistic



   provides access to holistic health service referrals &



   provides group and individual training/coaching for

     personal  empowerment and career development


  provides life skills education through a unique “mind-

     tools” training focus


   encourages responsibility, cooperation and

    emotional/spiritual maturity


   provides a “blueprint” for increased inner awareness

    and personal development that leads to success in all

    areas of outer life


   is recognized as valuable and life-enhancing and is

     therefore embraced and incorporated into the daily

     lives of participants




Examples of Wellness Works Interventions


Assessment     wellness evaluations, surveys, quizzes



   Group Education/Training    potential topics include: emotional literacy, stress reduction and relaxation techniques, habit control (smoking, weight loss), herbal and holistic options to wellness, mind/body wellness processes, personal awareness & development



   Individual Coaching/Mentoring    opportunities for one on one conferences with counselor, nurse or coach for mentoring, problem-solving, support and follow-up



   Tailored Information Gathering and Dissemination    individualized holistic wellness “information packets” and service referrals

Why do you also have the branding "Bereavement Buddy"?

Rita Milios, LCSW, The Mind Mentor

Psychotherapist, Complicated Grief Counselor

& “Bereavement Buddy”



About Rita Milios


Rita Milios. LCSW, Mind Mentor and Bereavement Buddy, is a nationally recognized author and workshop leader, with more than thirty books and hundreds of magazine articles published. Formerly a Complicated Grief Therapist for an area Hospice, Rita specializes in grief, personal growth and self-transformation. She has advanced training in hypnotherapy and Ericksonian guided imagery techniques, as well as dream work and her own unique “mind tools training” techniques. Rita helps people view grief and bereavement as a transformative process and leads workshops for corporations, educational institutions, associations and mental health professionals in her regional Tampa Bay, FL area and across the country.  Rita has been listed in Who’s Who in the Midwest, Who’s Who in American Authors, Who’s Who in Professional and Business Women and other professional listings.



Bereavement Buddy shares helpful suggestions for “what to say” and “what not to say” to the newly bereaved. It offers suggestions for helping during the first days, first holidays, first outings and other “firsts,” as well as discussion starters, how to know if “normal” grief has become “complicated grief,” and more.


Booklet Series:

The Living Legacy Journal series helps the bereaved maintain a connection with a loved one who has died and honor their memory, by making a  “pledge” to carry forth–for the deceased–a positive attribute or character trait that the deceased possessed. There are Journals for different populations (Mother, Father, Grandmother, Son, etc. Also Friend, School Friend).



Media:  Bereavement & Related:


Good Grief: What’s Normal and When Should We Seek Help?  Blog article: Mind Matters with Rita Milios, The Mind Mentor

Depression: Checklist of Symptoms for Adults and Children: Depression Medicine Website

My Moffitt Moments: Moffitt Cancer Research


Presentations:  re: Bereavement


  Grief as a Transformative Experience

  Effects of Grief in the Workplace

 Be a Bereavement Buddy, not a Bereavement “Bully”

 Create a “Living Legacy” in Honor of Your Loved One

 Talk to Me…I’m Still Here: (Ways to stay “Connected” via Meditation, Dreams,

   &  Automatic Writing)


Other Presentations:


Instant Inspiration: Creativity on Demand

Tools for Transformation

Discovering Your Purpose in Life


(Call or email for Full Workshop List)


Selected Books:


Tools for Transformation (published in English and Spanish)

Discovering Positive Thinking

Dream Journal

Talk to Me…I’m Still Here (how to stay connected to deceased loved ones-- forthcoming, Summer 2014)




Rita Milios

Inner Peace Professional Counseling

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