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Taking Responsibility |
Author Name : MaryLou Houllis |
Price : $ 10
Price : $10.00
File Size : 31 mbKb |
Product Details | Qty. |
Event : New Beginnings Oneness Center
Abstract : What is your individual responsibility? What is your state of consciousness?
There are no poor or bad decisions.
Be not conformed to that of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind – Bible. Be of good cheer you will have tribulation but I have overcome these things.
What causes dysfunction?
We choose to experience this.
You are the beginning of the transformation of the whole world, just like the first 4 minute mile.
To whom much is given much is expected sales the Bible.
Are you a trail blazer?
What is your responsibility?
-your thoughts
-your words
-your actions
File Format : MP3
Length : 00:33:55
Speaker : MaryLou Houllis
Publishing Rights : yes