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Complete Event Planning & Automated Marketing System |
Author Name : Diane Conklin & Joanne Weiland |
Price : $ 4497
Price : $4497.00
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Abstract : Build A Strong Business Foundation – Create Information Products Like A Pro – Begin Marketing & Selling your Products and Services Immediately - Take Your Business To The Next Level Today!
Complete Event Planning & Automated Marketing System
Successful Event Planning & Marketing Home Study Course
Workshops, Seminars & Live Events, whether for 50 attendees or 5,000, can be one of the most profitable aspects of your Information Marketing business. If you’re smart about how you do your events, consider wisely what you spend money on and what you can get for FREE, and don’t make critical mistakes, you can easily make $100,000, $500,000, $1,000,000 (or more) every time you have an event.
The Successful Event Planning & Marketing Home Study Course includes the most complete – where the rubber hits the road – step by step information about event planning and marketing, and hotel negotiation. This home study course is loaded with easy to follow checklists that will definitely save you time and money. Our over 15 years experience in planning small events, such as mastermind meetings to large events with numbers of 500 attendees and more, you will benefit for Complete Marketing Systems LLC years of experience.
In order for you to immediately apply what you learn from the Complete Marketing Systems Home Study Course we have bundled it with the LinktoEXPERT Interactive Marketing Platform.
Imagine more free time and elevating your Status! You create your messages, events, products and services – We broadcast them to Tens of Thousands! Fast!
Invite your contacts to visit your personalized interactive website www.YourName.LinkToEXPERT.com
Express your uniqueness as people read your information, listen to your knowledge, watch you in action anytime from anywhere or in the media!
You can instantly generate multiple streams of passive residual income on your Success Store
Your E-Office gives you the ability to easily change your online information and update your products and services at any time from anywhere
LinktoEXPERT makes your marketing life easy and more successful with greater exposure and access!
Successful Event Planning & Marekting Success Home Study Course & Automated Wealth System & Interactive Marketing Solution for Event Professionals!
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